Practice Areas



With decades of experience handling legal matters unique to farmers, I have the specialized knowledge necessary to meet those needs.



I help business owners maximize their goals and minimize liability. This includes incorporation, shareholder agreements, contracts, mergers, and sales.



I help with anything you’d need a lawyer for. I have experience designing custom estate plans, negotiating with creditors, or resolving issues with your neighbor or your job.


Residential Real Estate

Whether you are buying your first home or preparing to sell your home to fund retirement, I have the experience to guide you through these processes.


Commercial Real Estate

I have more than 25 years of experience with farms, commercial property, leasing, loans, 1031 exchanges, and zoning.


Memorable cases


Inspiring positive change


Four single moms were subjected to severe sexual harassment in the workplace. The harassment included comments about their appearance, clothing, and descriptions of what their superiors wanted to do to them. I obtained an $810,000 settlement on their behalf, ensuring financial security for all four women. After settling, this national company overhauled its employment practices to make sure their female employees no longer experience or tolerate an abusive workplace.


Supporting our community


Several high school students were severely burned in a bonfire accident. The community responded, raising several hundred thousand dollars. I met with their parents and donated my services to prepare a Special Needs Trust for the substantial donations from the community. This enabled the parents to focus on caring for their children and gave them peace of mind that the funds were safe and available when their children needed them.


Preserving the family farm


A farm family needed more time to repay a large loan, but the lender refused and prepared a lawsuit. I convinced the lender to extend the loan through the harvest and waive the interest, giving the family the breathing room they needed to continue farming.


Securing the future


A father of two young children was dying of cancer but didn't have a will, trust, or powers of attorney. I prepared the documents he needed in a day, brought them to the hospital, and he signed them. He passed away a few days later. It was a tragic situation, but I was able to preserve his assets for his wife and children, and implement his estate plan.