Common Sense and Cost-Effective Legal Solutions

Wade Law is a full-service law firm dedicated to serving individuals and businesses. I focus on Real Estate, Corporate, Estate Planning, and Agricultural Law. 


Have you been confused or intimidated by legal matters?

Do you need to make or update outdated wills, trusts, power of attorney, or loan documents?

Did an experience with an attorney make you feel unheard or dismissed?

Simplifying the complex

Complex legal matters require a nuance many attorneys just don’t have. My practice and partnerships are built on handling every detail, working through the complications and keeping you informed.

Handling the now and your future

Our initial consultation is free. I partner with my clients, meaning I am there for you long-term, whatever question, case, or matter you have. Bring in or send your documents prior to our meeting and we will set goals together in person.


Attention to detail and to you

I promise you will never have to chase me or wait on a response. I am a hands-on, pick up the phone kind of lawyer. I work to settle your matters quickly with the know-how and connections to get things done with the other players involved.

Peace of mind

I have helped thousands of people with their homes, farms, and commercial properties, knowing these can be some of the most stressful and emotional times in their lives. I have always run my practice and served my community with free consultations. Our consultation may even find that nothing needs to be done. You get peace of mind and we both make a new friend and contact.

If you need my services, I will tell you the cost up front. We handle your matters quickly together, with you and your situation in mind throughout the process.

How we work together


Step 1: Schedule your free consultation

The quickest way to see if we are a good fit is to meet. During your initial consultation, I get the facts to understand your goals and deadlines, then we develop a plan to fit your needs and budget. You will walk away with clear recommendations on options, next steps, and cost.

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Step 2: We get to work to solve your legal issues

Once we decide to work together, I use proactive communication to keep you informed about everything that’s going on with your matter, including important dates, making sure everything is handled quickly and at the lowest possible cost.


Step 3: You have an attorney you can trust

We have resolved your current legal issues and you have a relationship with a lawyer you can depend on. If and when another matter arises, or you need other legal advice, I am just a phone call away. As your "go to" attorney, I will provide quality service to you, your family, and your business.


What People Are Saying


“I trust Wade with all my business and personal matters. I refer him to my family and friends every chance I have. He provides common sense solutions at a fair price, he's attentive and he's become a friend.”

— Chuck DiVito, Entrepreneur and Real Estate broker

“We have a large family farming business. Hiring Wade was one of the best business decisions we've made. He knows agriculture and business. We use Wade for all our legal needs: real estate, leasing, hemp law and more.”

— Justin Durdan, Durdan Farms

 Frequently asked questions

What can I expect from you as my lawyer? +

I will listen and take the time to understand your issues. You will get common sense recommendations on how to achieve your goals, how long it will take, and what that will cost. I will keep you informed every step of the way, building our lasting relationship.

What is my role as your client? +

First, you give me as much detail as possible about your matter and what you want to achieve. Then you decide how we should proceed, based on my recommendations. Finally, you need to be available to discuss what's happening and whatever next steps need to be taken.

COVID has caused financial problems for me and my business. Can you help me? +

Yes. We will review your situation and develop a strategy. Creditors often agree to reduce what you owe, waive interest, and set up payment plans.

What is a Power of Attorney (POA)? +

POAs allow you to choose the person who will make financial or medical decisions for you while you're incapacitated. Without an existing POA, someone must go to court to have one appointed in real time. This is expensive and may empower someone you don’t want to make these critical life decisions for you.

What if I need a lawyer for something you don't do? +

I have a broad scope and I am able to solve many issues. I also have a network of trusted attorneys to refer you to for anything I can’t handle, including personal injury, patent law, and workers’ compensation.

Can I give friends and family your information? +

Absolutely. I'm here to help.